Assassin's Creed: Interview auf!

Ein neues Interview ist heute auf aufgetaucht! Es geht um die Fertigstellung von Assassin's Creed, woran momentan gearbeitet wird und um geplante Erweiterungen bzw. Features für das Spiel. Hier sind ein paar Zeilen ausgeschnitten. Die Übersetzung folgt demnächst!

“Jade Raymond: Well, every time you get a demo ready, even if you’re just showing raw gameplay, it takes time away from making the game. As a responsible producer, I know that the end product is the most important thing. And so, the team has been allowed to focus on trying to deliver—to the best of our abilities—on everything that we’ve promised.”

“Luckily, Ubisoft has supported that, and so the next time we’ll have a big playable is the upcoming E3. By then, most of the game will be done, because we’re coming out at the end of the year, so that means we can put together a really kick-ass demo without detracting from the production.”

“I think downloadable content is really cool, and for certain games it adds a lot. For our game, I think it would still be cool because you could get more stuff and cooler-looking swords or whatever, but we’ll probably look at that a little bit later.”

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